The Dinosauria
Find the truth about dinosaur myths and hear about current dinosaur discoveries in America,

Discovering Dinosaurs
From lizard to dinosaur to bird? How has our knowledge of dinosaurs changed from 1820 to the present?

National Geographic Animals :  Animal pictures, wild animal facts.


All About Farm Animals:  Farm Animal Activities for Kids

Farms Safety 4 Just Kids
Games, coloring pages, quizzes and safety tips that will help you have a fun and safe time at the farm.

Year of the Ocean
Explore the murky depths with endangered whales and dolphins. And discover the beautiful world of coral reefs.

Petpourri:  Animal care activities for kids.

Microbe Zoo
They’re everywhere! In the trash, in your yard, in your home, in your food, and even in your mouth. Yuck!

Kids’ Planet
Discover the life of a spider, the world of wolves, and the endangered environment.